Feathered Serpent

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The original piece is 24 x 48 Inches, Soft Pastel on Wood.


The serpent, a representation of the Earthly Body.
The feathers, a representation of ascension or of the celestial.

The fully alive human, the realization of your true self. Mastery of the serpent is essential for the feathers to emerge.

The journey from the base of your spine upward toward the liberation of your mind towards the white light.

The wind is your breath, the serpent is the vortex of your mind.

Ride the snake.

This is a piece inspired by the carvings in Xochicalco, the feathered serpent known as kukulcan or quetzalcoatl.

Notice the human teeth on the serpent, there are no coincidences.

 Como dijo un compa “nada es casual, todo es causal”.

Translation of the above in spanish " nothing is casual or at random, everything is causal or because of something.